HPP Talk, 10th May: Paul Lodge
On 10th May Paul Lodge delivered a talk entitled 'Still the Best of all Possible Worlds after All these Years?' at the 2017-2018 Humane...
Conference, 26th March: Religion and Culture, Warsaw
On 26th March the HPP, co-hosted a conference on the topic, 'Religion and Culture' in Warsaw, Poland. A full schedule may be viewed here....
HPP Talk, 15th February: Michaël Bauwens
On 15th February Michaël Bauwens delivered a talk entitled 'A Bold (Scotistic) Metaphysics for the Social Sciences' at the 2017-2018...
Adrian Moore: "Reflections on the New Atheism"
Adrian Moore delivers his talk 'Reflections on the New Atheism' for the 2017-2018 Humane Philosophy Project/Ian Ramsey Centre seminar at...
HPP Talk, 8th March: Philip Goff
On 8th March Philip Goff delivered a talk entitled 'Did the Universe Design Itself?' at the 2017-2018 Humane Philosophy Project-Ian...
CVH Talk, 6th December: Stefan Collini
On Wednesday 6th December 2017 Stefan Collini delivered a talk on 'the Value of the Humanities' at an event hosted by the HPP and our...
HPP Talk, 23rd November: Adrian Moore
On 23rd November Adrian Moore delivered a talk entitled 'Reflections on the New Atheism' at the 2017-2018 Humane Philosophy Project-Ian...
Colloquium, 18th November: Moral Persons & Legal Rights
A morning jurisprudence colloquium on 'Moral Persons & Legal Rights' will take place on 18th November between 9:15 and Noon, in the Aula...
HPP Talk, 2nd November: Nicholas Waghorn
On the 2nd November Nicholas Waghorn delivered a talk on 'Nothingness at the Intersection of Science, Philosophy, and Religion' at the...
HPP Conference: 24th-25th September, The Value of the Humanities
On the 24th-25th September 2017 the Humane Philosophy Project organised a conference on the Value of the Humanities. Talks examined...