HPP Mini Conference: The Political Animal
Saturday 25 July, 2pm-4pm the Humane Philosophy Project held a min-conference on the topic 'The Political Animal?' as part of the Ian...
HPP/IRC Seminar: Hubert Dreyfus, "Dostoevsky on How to Save the Sacred from Science"
In The Brothers Karamazov one of the monks tells Alyosha that "the science of this world has … analyzed everything divine handed down to...
HPP/IRC Seminar: Roger Penrose, "Consciousness and the Foundations of Physics"
Roger Penrose delivers his talk "Consciousness and the Foundations of Physics" for the 2014-2015 Humane Philosophy Project/Ian Ramsey...
Michał Heller, "From the Big Bang to the Gulag: How to Justify the History of the Universe"
Michał Heller delivers his talk "From the Big Bang to the Gulag: How to Justify the History of the Universe" for the 2014-2015 Humane...
HPP/IRC Seminar: David Brown, "The Arts' Critique of Theology"
David Brown delivers his talk 'The Arts' Critique of Theology' for the 2014-2015 Humane Philosophy Project/Ian Ramsey Centre seminar at...
HPP/DLC 2015: Nikolas Prassas, "Empathy and the Constitution of the self in the Philosophy of E
Nikolas Prassas - 'Empathy and the Constitution of the Self in the Philosophy of Edith Stein'. Delivered at the 2015 HPP/DLC Persons and...
HPP/DLC 2015: Ferenc Hörcher, "The Concept of the Person: A Catholic-Aristotelian, Practical Ph
Ferenc Hörcher - 'The Concept of the Person: A Catholic-Aristotelian, Practical Philosophical Account'. Delivered at the 2015 HPP/DLC...
HPP/DLC 2015: Dechen Rochard, "Being Kind to Oneself Means Being Kind to Others: A Buddhist App
Dechen Rochard - ‘Being Kind to Oneself Means Being Kind to Others: A Buddhist Approach to Rational Self-Interest, Selflessness, and...
HPP/DLC 2015: Jacob Burda, "The Importance of Buddhist Ethics in the Age of Subjectivity"
Jacob Burda - ‘The Importance of Buddhist Ethics in the Age of Subjectivity’. Delivered at the 2015 HPP/DLC Persons and Community...
HPP/DLC 2015: Agata Filipowicz, "The Theory of Many Persons, or the Plural Self"
Agata Filipowicz - 'The Theory of Many Persons, or the Plural Self'. Delivered at the 2015 HPP/DLC Persons and Community colloquium. ...