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Naturalism Seminar: Howard Robinson, "Why there is no such Thing as Naturalism"

Howard Robinson delivers his talk 'Why there is no such Thing as Naturalism' at the 2015-16 seminar series on the theme of naturalism organised by the Humane Philosophy Project and the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion.

A PDF of Professor Robinson's handout may be viewed here.

Howard Robinson is University Professor in Philosophy at the Central European University. After four years at Oriel College, Oxford as full-time stipendiary lecturer in philosophy he took up a lectureship at the University of Liverpool. He remained at Liverpool for twenty-six years, becoming first Senior Lecturer and then reader, apart from a period as Soros Professor of Philosophy at Eötvös Loránd University (1994–1996). In 2000 he was appointed Professor of Philosophy at the Central European University. Between 2007 and 2010 he was Provost and Academic Pro-Rector of the University. He specialises in the philosophy of mind and metaphysics, including the philosophy of religion. His seminal 1985 book Matter and Sense, a forceful critique of the modern forms that materialism has taken, continues to be influential throughout Europe and America. His most recent work, From the Knowledge Argument to Mental Substance, was published this year by Cambridge University Press.


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