HPP Colloquium: Law and Compassion
Politics & Poetics: A Journal for Humane Philosophy held an afternoon colloquium on Monday the 11th of June, between 4-7 p.m., in the Aula of Blackfriars Hall, Oxford. The topic is 'Law and Compassion'.
This event was co-sponsored by the The Humane Philosophy Project, The Dalai Lama Centre for Compassion, and The Aquinas Institute of Blackfriars, Oxford.
This event was free and open to the public, and indcluded:
Boudewijn Sirks (All Souls College) on ‘Misericordia Implicit in Duty-Based Legal Systems'
Louise Parker (Copenhagen) on 'Compassion and the Judiciary'
Jonathan Price (Oxford & Leiden) on ‘Institutional Agape'
Speakers’ Panel, including Fr Richard Conrad on the paper by Richard Ekins, 'The Bounds of Compassion and the Dissolution of Nations', which is available in Politics & Poetics
Reception to follow (location announced at event)