A Note of Thanks to Mary Midgley

The organisers of the Humane Philosophy Project were saddened to learn today of the death of the great philosopher Mary Midgley. Dr Midgley was an early supporter of the Project and gave us enthusiastic and spirited encouragement. In 2015 she spoke on the topic of 'Science, Scientism, and the Self' at our seminar series on 'The Challenges of Naturalism'. The video recording of this talk continues to be widely viewed. Dr Midgely's work stands as a model of one of the kinds of philosophical practice that the HPP seeks to promote. And her personal approach to doing philosophy—at once morally serious, intellectually rigorous, and yet witty, entertaining and accessible—is a model for everyone in the discipline. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to her, and our hope that her tremendous legacy in philosophy will continue to be recognised and celebrated.