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NGRE Fellow: Irakli Nizharadze

Irakli Nizharadze is a graduate student in the Philosophy department at Ilia State University, Georgia. He began his studies at Caucasus University, from which he holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. His research centres on the nature of habits, with a particular emphasis on Stoic philosophy. More specifically, his work is focused on defending a sentential interpretation of the contents of habitual states. As a member of the NGRE, he was awarded a fellowship at the University of Oxford, and had the opportunity to work on his research under the guidance of Karen Margrethe Nielsen. Other areas of his interests include: ethics (metaethics, normative, Stoic, Kantian and Platonic ethics), epistemology (belief and justification), philosophy of mind (intentionality and perception) and Kierkegaard's philosophy.


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